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Songs for APStreaming

Songs for APStreaming 

■Client Works / Other 

​ZINEのナノ・パブリッシャー「crevasse」の映像ストリーミングサービス「AP (Artists Press) Streaming」の音楽。 

コンセプトは「ユーモア」「神聖」「緊張感」。 crevasseのラインナップ全体に通底するトーンを音楽で表現。使用楽器を曲毎に変え、3曲のバリエーションを出しつつ、サービスとしての統一感を持たせるため、雰囲気や調性は近しくした。 

Other design using music.
Music for the video streaming service "AP (Artists Press) Streaming" of ZINE's nano-publisher "crevasse".
The concept is "humor," "sacred," and "tension". We expressed the crevasse lineup in music. The instrument used was changed for each song in order to make variations of three songs. And we made the atmosphere and tonality of the three songs close to each other to give a sense of unity in service.

Title:Songs for APStreaming

​Music Written by Ryota Mikami 
Music Directed by Vegetable Record


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