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Songs for NIPPONの47 2025 CRAFT

Songs for NIPPONの47 2025 CRAFT | 東京都渋谷区

■Client Works / Space, Other

D&DEPARTMENT PROJECTによる47都道府県をテーマとしたミュージアム「d47 MUSEUM」にて開催されている「NIPPONの47 2025 CRAFT 47の意志にみるこれからのクラフト」の展示会場と音声ガイダンス(ポッドキャスト)の音楽。



ポッドキャストでは、オープニング~本編~エンディングに使用。d47 MUSEUMでは、ポッドキャストの音楽を4分割し、空間内の4ヶ所に小型スピーカーを設置。4曲は互いにズレ続けながらも空間で混ざり合うことで、グラデーションのような有機的な空間を形作る。展示からポッドキャストへの連続性を音楽で作った。



Spatial design using multiple music/speakers. Other design using music.
Music for the exhibition and audio guidance (podcast) of "47 2025 CRAFT in NIPPON" held at d47 MUSEUM, a museum themed on 47 prefectures by D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT.

​The music concepts are "Craft" and "Blur of natural materials". The music was inspired by the exhibition concept and other elements. We aimed to create music that is unique to this location and podcast, using sound materials that make use of the original sound of instruments and noise to create a sense of quietness and openness.

For podcast, the music is used for the opening〜main〜ending. For d47 MUSEUM, we divided the podcast music into four songs, and installed small speakers at four locations in the space. The four songs continue to shift from each other but mix together in the space, forming an organic space like a gradation. We created a continuity from the exhibition to the podcast with music.

​<#1+#2+#3+#4 (Podcast)>
The instruments are 47 different sound materials, including acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, marimba, piano, saxophone, clarinet, shakuhachi, taishokoto, sanshin, and percussion. Based on a sequence of hard-to-distinguish major and minor notes on an irregularly tuned guitar, this piece coexists with an abyssal atmosphere and lightness. We aimed for a crafty atmosphere throughout, using the dry tones of wood-derived acoustic instruments, a piano expressing the texture of ceramics, and percussion that is touched and rubbed by hand.

Title:Songs for NIPPONの47 2025 CRAFT

Client, Photo (1-12):D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT

​​Music Written & Directed by Vegetable Record

#1+#2+#3+#4 (Podcast)
00:00 / 59:32
00:00 / 59:08
00:00 / 59:35
00:00 / 58:47
00:00 / 56:54
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