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Song for 隅田川


Song for 隅田川 | 東京都墨田区


■Others / Workshop, Live


隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢 2020」のプログラムのひとつとして、隅田公園そよ風ひろばにて、ワークショップ「隅田川の音あつめワークショップ~Song for 隅田川をつくろう~」「楽器体験」と回遊式ライブ「Song for 隅田川お披露目ライブ」を開催。​









「隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢 2020」の「ずぼんぼプロジェクト」が2021年元旦に公開した紙芝居アニメーション「茶わん姫ものがたり」では、「Song for 隅田川」の別バージョンが使用されている。

We held the workshop "Sumida Sound Gathering Workshop", "Musical Instrument Experience" and the strolling live "Song for the Sumida-River" as one of the programs of "Sumi-Yume 2020" at Sumida Park.


Collaboration between the music label "Vegetable Record", Marimba player "Aoi Nogi", and Photographer "Aoi Kudo".

Song was made in two parts with the concept of "modern version of a traveling musician at the Sumida River".

The 1st part expresses the calm scenery of the Sumida River seen from the Sumida River terrace, and the 2nd part expresses the new scenery of the Sumida River seen from the "Sumidagawa Riverside Walk" that was made this year.

The performance was improvisation as "Live performance for audience strolling type" where musical instruments are arranged like surround the audience, the viewer can listen to the live while freely moving around the park, we provided musical experience "that sounds change as the audience walk around".


In addition,  we used various sounds that recorded by Vegetable Record and workshop participants such as "Sound of ship", "Sound of train", "Sound of fence", "Sound of water" and "Sound of car heard from Highway" around Sumida River as material of the song.

Song for Sumida-River was sent to the workshop participants as a "portrait with music" at a later date.

Another version of "Song for Sumida River" is used in the Kamishibai Animation "The Story of Princess Chawan" released on New Year's Day 2021 of "Zubombo Project" of "Sumi-Yume 2020".


主催:「隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢」実行委員会




助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京

メディア・パートナー:J-WAVE 81.3FM

Live Performance
Marimba by Aoi Nogi
Synthesizer, Sampler, Glockenspiel, Electric Guitar by Syotaro Hayashi
Reed Organ, Sampler, Travel Conga, Keyboard by Ryota Mikami

​Title:Song for 隅田川
​Photo, Installation by Aoi Kudo

Costume (Aoi Nogi) by POTTENBURN TOHKII
Video by Tomoyuki Abe

DM Design by Takumi Takeuchi

Music Written by Syotaro Hayashi

Music Directed by Vegetable Record

Song for 隅田川 (Original Ver.)
00:00 / 12:34
Song for 隅田川 (Live Ver.)
00:00 / 15:03
Song for 隅田川 (Workshop Ver.)
00:00 / 12:37
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